Artur Mena — The Shaman & Ayahuasca (Music CD)
These songs by Artur Mena were recorded in a maloca in the jungle during a 10-day dieta in Peru. It is a recording of one man, singing by himself, surrounded by the insects and animals of the rainforest. (IT IS NOT A STERILE STUDIO RECORDING and is filled with AMBIENT SOUNDS throughout.)
1 - Aquita de Puquio (Spring Water)
2 - Vuela Como el Condor (Flying Like a Condor)
3 - Sirenita Bobinsana (Bobinsana Little Mermaid)
4 - Cancion de Paz (Song of Peace)
5 - Canta el Ayaymama (The Song of Ayaymama)
6 - Salvernos Nuestra Tierra (Let’s Save Our Planet)
7 - Soguita de Flor Azul (Blue Flower Vine)
8 - Vuela Como el Condor (Flying Like a Condor)*
9 - Sirenita Bobinsana (Bobinsana Little Mermaid)*
10 - Cancion de Paz (Song of Peace)*
11 - Canta el Ayaymama (The Song of Ayaymama)*
*The last four songs are repeated in English.
For lyrics, CLICK HERE
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Translations: Jose Manuel Calvillo
© 2011 Artur Mena, all rights reserved
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